Our school offers an extensive music specialist programme. Primary School students have weekly class music lessons, incorporating aural and theory knowledge giving them practical skills to be able to read, compose and play music. Our musically talented High School students play instruments, sing and have a small performance and worship band.
Instrumental Programme
From Pre-Primary to Year 12, students have the opportunity to take instrumental lessons on campus with private, specialist instrumental teachers. These lessons are convenient for parents because they happen during school time. Students may select from a variety of woodwind, brass, percussion and stringed instruments. We are working toward the establishment of a band/ensemble programme where these students have the opportunity to play in a group and perform for special school functions.
Choral Music
A school choir offers students opportunities to be involved in group practises and performances.
At Landsdale Christian school we offer opportunities for students to participate in a variety of sporting arenas.
Our Primary School students are able to join in after school sport through the government initiative Sporting Schools, that provides them with sporting coaches and equipment to experience a variety of sports. Students have opportunities to compete in inter-school events.
High School students engage in a variety of sport carnivals throughout the year including swimming, athletics, cross-country and team sport events. Each week High School students join in the Sports Academy, which offers opportunities, on and off campus, with specialised coaches and training.
Landsdale Christian School aligns with School Sports WA for day carnivals and seasonal leagues.