& Pastoral
Our chaplaincy programme aims to be supportive of students and their needs. In addition, the chaplaincy programme enables our school to support families and staff as well as get involved with community activities.
The programme is designed to build resiliency in students, provide pastoral care and spiritual guidance while respecting other faiths and differing spiritual beliefs.
Some of the services that our chaplaincy programme offers are:
· Chaplaincy Care
· Bible Studies
· Community Engagement
· CrossPoint Events
· Spiritual Emphasis programmes
· Weekly Chapel meetings
· Childhood Resiliency
· Soul Sisters
· BoyZone
This chaplaincy programme is jointly funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training under the National School Chaplaincy Programme and the Western Australian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
One of the outcomes of the school's involvement with Kids Matter alongside our Chaplaincy program is our spiritual wellness youth initiative called CrossPoint that functions under the care of our School Church, EMBRACE. These events occur throughout the year and it provides an opportunity for the High School students to get together for social and spiritual development as well as outreach to our wider community.
Please feel free to get in touch with us